Tuesday 4 March 2008

what if you could do anything?

If you had all the money in the world, could do everything possible and impossible, what would you do? What would you change in you or others? Would you make this world vanish? Would you think only about you?

I would :

  • make people think of the consequences-there is a war as long as there are people who go to war;
  • give them the power to fight for themselves.To say 'No' if they don't want something. I discovered that people are stupid;
  • give them the determination to follow their dreams;
  • and of course a nice house in the mountains where anybody could come and enjoy themselves:D


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm not sure how to reply to comments.. I am using nothingness, to portray my insignificant life. I use Vast to describe how insignificant my life is. I think using vast and nothingness together kinda touches on irony. What do you see it as? I'd be interested in knowing the "real" meaning?

  3. The real meaning... Who knows the real meaning?But u got the idea.Life is everything and nothing. It depends what u want from life.It could be everything and therefore to enjoy life, to see the beautiful in everything no matter how small or insignificant.You could see that evth is beautiful incl yourself. U have no idea how much a man can give, not hurt the others, and have a full and happy life. But u chose nothingness. Anyway,enough bla bla.Live

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