Thursday 6 March 2008

what's real?

I get sadden easily: if I see on tv something about death,war, abuse etc. I know that many people are like me. But in fact I have never seen any of these. All I've seen is on tv: news or movies. In fact my life was quite nice and now I am in a beautiful place, with my husband that I love and loves me. So life is quite beautiful.
And than I think that people are happy if they want to be happy. YOU have what you want. And everybody has what s/he deserves. You stay in a place because you want to, whether is good or bad. If it is good, you find reasons to remain there, if is is bad, you find reasons to remain there.
If a tree falls down in a forest, and there's nobody there, does it make a noise? To be honest I have never witnessed a falling tree. So I dont quite know the noise, it's only what I know from tv. So, does it make a noise? Since there is nobody to hear it, NO, it makes no noise. Hard to understand that. Think about it.

We lose a lot watching tv. We believe everything and I'm sure 80% is false. We dont think for ourselves anymore. If we hear somebody on tv saying that fighting in war is good, than we say the same. If somebody comes and is against the war, we agree. Can you believe how narrow minded we are?
So, how can you be sad that there is a war where people die, are killed, suffer etc, since we dont even know what that is? How can you describe the taste of a mango, since you have never eaten one? Do you understand the irony? People are manipulated. So easily. You see something on tv and you believe it without even questioning it.
I love 'The Simpsons'. It is so true. Sometimes I can't believe how smart it is.!

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